The assignments are organized by newest to oldest, where the newest are at the top and the oldest are at the bottom.

Table Of Contents:

Date Subject
3/13/2023 2.4a Using Programs with Data, SQLAlchemy Notes and Hacks
3/9/2023 2.3 Extracting Information from Data, Panda Notes and Hacks
3/8/2023 Tri 2 Final Reflection
3/7/2023 2.2 Data Compression and Images Notes and Hacks

Trimester 2

Date Subject
2/26/2023 CPT Writeup
2/25/2023 N@TM Blog
2/12/2023 5.5-5.6 Notes and Hacks
2/1/2023 5.3-5.4 Notes and Hacks
1/30/2023 Individual Project Blog
1/30/2023 Test 2 Corrections
1/24/2023 5.1-5.2 Notes and Hacks
1/16/2023 CPT Grading 3
1/16/2023 CPT Grading 2
12/16/2022 3.14-3.18 Notes and Hacks
12/7/2022 3.8-3.13 Notes and Hacks
12/1/2022 Algorithms and Logic Javascript Hacks
11/28/2022 3.1-3.7 Notes and Hacks
11/15/2022 Binary Hacks
11/15/2022 Tool Checks

Trimester 1

Date Subject
11/4/2022 Test Corrections
11/4/2022 Night at the Museum
10/23/2022 Weather API
10/23/2022 Covid API Example
10/9/2022 RapidAPI
10/9/2022 API Submenu
10/9/2022 Identifying and Correcting Errors
10/2/2022 Project Outline
10/2/2022 Flask Deployment
9/25/2022 Team Project
9/25/2022 Javascript Usage
9/11/2022 AppLab Project
9/11/2022 Performance Task Plan
9/5/2022 Lists, Dictionaries, Iteration Notes
9/5/2022 HTML Fragments
8/28/2022 Python Quiz
8/28/2022 Tool Checks
8/28/2022 My Classes
8/26/2022 Docx Post: Lab #1 Measurements and Graphical Analysis
8/21/2022 First Jupyter Notebook Test, Showcasing Python
8/21/2022 Fastpages Notebook Blog Post
8/21/2022 An Example Markdown Post