5.1 Beneficial and Harmful Effects

  • everything has both good and bad uses:
    • Drones - good for search and hobbies, bad for military and other things
    • ChatGPT - good for instant answers and accurate answers, bad because killing Google and doesn’t give entire picture
      • during testing there could be bias, leading to bias in the program
    • Dopamine - gives positive feedback to person when something they like is done, bad because leads to problems involving addiction

5.2 Digital Divide

  • poorer areas in the world have less access to tech, leading to a division between people
    • some countries also have restrictions over what people see on the internet
    • some divides occur with less of a gap, with just some outdated tech and things

5.1-5.2 Hacks

  1. Think of three beneficial effects of your projects based on 5.1 Unit
  • Allows students who are new to the school or have trouble navigating the school to more easily document and find their classes.
  • Calculator would help students who have trouble with mathematics.
  • Notes would help students document their studies.
  • A todo list with timers would allow students to effectively and efficiently use their time.
  1. Think of a potential harmful effect of your project.
  • The calculator could be used to cheat on exams or could be used on assignments that don’t allow the use of such a device.
  • The notes could be used to store harmful messages.
  • There isn’t really anything harmful for the todo lists or the schedule maker.
  1. Answer with an opinion and learnings so far this year: What are pros/cons on internet blockers at router and lack of admin password on lab machines at school?
  • The good thing about internet blockers at school is that sites that aren’t exactly good are blocked from school users. There are also bad things about having these blockers, such as actually blocking useful information from students that really need it or blocking information that can be sensitive but is required for study in the classroom. Teachers can also regulate what students see in the classroom, which is a good thing, but also during lessons if a teacher were to make something at home and then have it blocked at school, that would be bad.
  1. What concerns do you have personally about the digital divide? For yourself or for others.
  • My concerns about the digital divide come from the inability to have access to more powerful machines that other students do have access to. This may limit me from having the full technological capabilities that I as a student should have. Others who don’t have access to technology at all may have a very big difficult in the future, especially as everything is becoming digital in today’s day and age. This would seriously limit one to what job they can take up in the future.