Our Project

Overall, people enjoyed using our calculator to see what chances they have of getting into each of the Ivy League colleges. Many fellow students, as well as parents, tested out the program and saw how it worked and what our group had made for our final project.

This is a fellow student testing out our program.

Here we are presenting and explaining the project to fellow students.

Other Projects in CSP

Another project I saw was Drew’s project, which was a timer that you set to help you set a time to study or do other activities. This would be really useful because it would help organize a person’s daily lives, making them more efficient. This project was simple but really useful and interesting to use.

Here is Drew is showing his project.

Other Classes

I also went to other classes to see what they did as their projects for N@TM. I went to the drawing and painting classroom as well as the digital media classroom to see what they did for their projects.

Digital Media

One of the most interesting projects I saw was a PSA that was made about homework. This project was presented in a fun way and was informative about how and why homework actually brings more bad things than good things.

This is the PSA that I watched from the Digital Media class.

Drawing and Painting

One of the most interesting pieces of art I saw in this class was a painting of bluebirds. This painting was really well made and was interesting to me because I like photographing birds in my free time. This was the piece that stood out the most to me in this class.

This is the painting I found interesting.