Each individual performs starts “pre-view” outline/write-up of materials required for College Board.

  • I need to make sure that I complete the project in accordance to all of the rubric criteria that Collegeboard provides. The video that I shall create in order to showcase my project will need to demonstrate the input, output, and the program fully functioning. The written submission of the project must include the purpose, functionality, and inputs/outputs of the program. It should also include a lost that stores data, which is used in different sections of the program. There should be a list that manages complexity and I must describe how the list is important to the program and how the program would function differently if the list weren’t in use. The program also needs to have a defined procedure with a parameter and impact, which needs to be used in the program. The algorithm used needs to have sequencing, selection, and iteration which needs to be explained well. The written response should show tests of two arguments with a condition and there needs to be a description of the results.

Describe portion of Project you will use for Create Performance task

  • My portion of the CPT will be a schedule creation tool, which allows you to add and customize different schedules, along with a map that highlights where your classes are. This could be combined with Amay’s feature of where you could add notes for each individual class.

Describe code plan as it is required for CB

  • My code will have a function that takes all of the user’s inputs, including class name, period number, start times, end times, and classroom numbers. This information would be stored in a list, as well as with another function, display the information for the user to see. Another function would take the information from the user and create a map of their classes, which will then be connected with another function, showing the user the fastest way between their classes. This would be considered data abstraction because the list of the inputs from the user would save space because the program wouldn’t have to assign variables to every room number and then display each variable for the user to see with a path between them. This is also managing complexity because the saved data from the user would be used to calculate distances between each room number with one function, rather than one individual function for each person.

Consider what will be demonstrated in video, aka video plan

  • In the video I would show myself inputting the data into the program and displaying an output for the users to see, when the add button is pressed. This would also add a point on the school map, beginning the calculation of the fastest distance between classes on the map. An improper input would be typing in a wrong room number and editing an input would be changing a value in the created schedule. This would show all required parts of the video.