Program Design and Development 1.3 Notes

Development of a Program

  • starts with an idea
    • have a specific purpose of what the program should do
    • sometimes development is exploratory (what happens results in what happens next)
  • investigate problem and reflect on it
    • results in requirements for the program
    • surveys, testing, and interviews are used to see what is needed
  • designing the program
    • brainstorm what the program is going to do to solve a problem
    • create user interface and use
  • deciding on requirements
    • list of interactions for user
    • how the program is going to react
    • specifications are going to be used to create prototypes
  • testing the program
    • testing on micro and macro level

Development is Never Solo

  • usually many people work on one program or project
    • groups have roles and each are credited for contributions
  • comments are used in code to give credit
    • comments and roles allow to see who needs to fix parts of code
  • certain sections of code are reused many times
    • developers should credit the authors or the code segments
    • might have a works cited page

Program Documentation

  • documentation is used to describe the code and overall program
    • specs and sections of code are documented
    • also document how the program was developed and who helped
  • usually happens throughout the development
    • starts with specs and then goes through process and finally through the overall process
    • gives ideas on how to improve program and also helps remember where you left off
  • commenting is used to document things in the code
    • the comments don’t affect the code, they are for the programmers
  • some languages that use comments
    • Python (#)
    • Java (// - single line; /* */ - multiple lines; /** **/ - multiple line documentation)
    • Javascript, C/C++, Swift - also use something similar to Java
    • XML/HTML (<!-- -->)
    • Applescript/Pascal (* *)
    • block-based languages use pop-outs for comments

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