David Vasilev

JS Output w/ Objects

JavaScript and Jupyter references JavaScript is the most important language you need to learn as a frontend developer. Jupyter Notebooks is a convenient way to learn portions of the language wi...

JS Output w/ jquery

Markdown Table Google markdown cheat sheet and it lead you to an outline for how to make a table. Make Model Year Color Price Ford ...

Pair Showcase

Concentration Game Start Moves: 0 Time: 0 seconds Least Moves: 0 Fastest Time: 0 seconds Congratulations! You won in 0 moves and 0 seconds. Play Again

Lab Notebook 3

Pair Programming For the pair programming project we decided to create a program that uses user inputs and outputs and also stores score and fastest time using cookies. It also pulls images from a...

Plan 3

Pair Showcase Monday Create Plan Check Canvas Complete coding project Game board Create timer and score method Find way to pull images from API Store data with...

Lab Notebook 2

Java java works with oop (object oriented programming), where objects and classes are made. this method uses classes, objects, methods, and attributes. Classes Classes are user-defined data ty...

JS Calculator

0 1 2 3 + 4 5 6 - 7 8 9 * A/C 0 . = ...

Classic Snake Game

Snake score: 0 Welcome to Snake, press space to begin new game settings Game O...

Game of Life

Remix of Game of Life start step

Plan 2

Lab Notebooks Monday Create Plan Check Canvas Work on Lab Notebooks Finish Setup and Pages Documentation Tuesday Work on Lab Notebooks Document Java Lear...