David Vasilev

Collegeboard - Classes

U5 | Classes 5.1 Anatomy of a Class & 5.2 Constructors Methods vs Constructors Methods: functions defined within a class that preforms specific actions for objects of that cla...

Plan 9

Monday Create Plan Check Canvas Find JointJS OOP Solution Tuesday Lesson 5 Hacks Wednesday Continue JointJS OOP Thursday Lesson 6 ...

Collegeboard - Iteration

U4 | Iteration 4.1 while Loops A while loop is a fundamental control structure in programming used for repeated execution of a block of code as long as a condition is true. The loop star...

Collegeboard - Boolean and If statements

APCSA Unit 3: College Board Learning Objectives and Standards Learning Objectives The objective of today’s lesson is to… Evaluate Boolean expressions that use relational operators in program ...

Collegeboard - Boolean Logic

Data Tables! Truth tables are used to easily describe boolean algebra operations. Boolean algebra is an branch of mathematics dealing with, rather than the vast stretches of integers, two digits: ...

Plan 8

Monday Create Plan Check Canvas Begin JointJS Tuesday Lesson 3 Hacks Wednesday Work on building JointJS structure Thursday Lesson 4 ...

Collegeboard - Object Classes

Java objects In Java, objects are essentially instances of classes. They represent real-world entities or concepts and contain both data and behaviors, facilitating organized and modular softwar...

Joint Test

testing canvas <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.6.4/jquery.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.21...

Collegeboard - Data Types

Java is used around the world to create applications and is one of the most popular coding languages. The reason Java is so popular is because of it’s security and versatility provided by it’s Obje...

Plan 7

Monday Create Plan Check Canvas Find other solution to nodes Tuesday Lesson 1 Hacks Wednesday Start Creating graph Learn JointJS ...