David Vasilev

Methods & Control Structures Lesson (Math Class)

Math Class Intro The Math class in Java is part of the java.lang package, which is automatically imported, hence you don’t need to manually import it. The Math class provides a collection of metho...

The difference between Value and Reference Types

Introduction In Java, there are two main types of data types primitive/value types and reference types. We will be using the terms stack and heap here to describe memory allocation. ...

Tri 1-2 Progression

100% Seed This is my grade from last tri, which is above a 93%: I also communicated with my teammates well, organizing everything in a scrumboard and creating a slack group in which to communica...

2015 FRQ Question 4

Part A This is all the question asked for, to create an interface which contains a method that returns true or false on whether a number exists or not. public interface NumberGroup { public...

2015 FRQ Question 3

Part A For this part of the FRQ, all I had to do was to look through a 2D array to find specific values based on coordinates. I did this by using a for loop to iterate through each value in ...

2015 FRQ Question 2

With this FRQ, I realized that this could be made into a game. While I did complete the required tasks, I also added some features so that it could become a playable game, such as a random word g...

2015 FRQ Question 1

Part A All I did for this question was iterate through the array using a for loop, one integer at a time, adding each integer to the sum variable, ultimately getting the sum of the array. class...

N@TM Tri 2 Reflection

Our Project So Far We have a jwt sign-up and log-in page that is used to record data for training our AI model. We allow the users to customize their user data, such as profile pictures, usernames...

Deployment Lesson

CORS Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a security feature implemented by web browsers to control how web pages in one domain can request and interact with resources from another domai...

Thymeleaf Lesson

What is ThymeLeaf Thymeleaf is a template engine for server-side Java applications to create to create pages that can be displayed with within the browser. It can process the following templates: ...