S afin
A lex
A may
K aiden
D avid

Agile Manifesto

We, Safin, Alex, David, Amay, and Kaiden, value:

  1. Individual interaction and teamwork over processes and tools.
  2. Working solutions over comprehensive documentation.
  3. Collaboration within our team over strict adherence to a plan.
  4. Responding to change over following a set schedule.

This means that we will:

  1. Have regular meetings during class time to discuss progress and address any issues.
  2. Focus on creating a working solution, but also document our process and code.
  3. Work together as a team to make sure we are meeting the requirements of the assignment.
  4. Be open to adapting our plan as needed based on changing requirements or roadblocks.
  5. Overall, our goal is to create the best possible product in a collaborative and flexible manner.


Safin, Alex, David, Amay, Kaiden