Home N@TM Tri 2 Reflection

N@TM Tri 2 Reflection

Our Project So Far

We have a jwt sign-up and log-in page that is used to record data for training our AI model. We allow the users to customize their user data, such as profile pictures, usernames, and interested stocks. This is our main frontend page:


We also included some of our predictions, however they weren’t very accurate:


This is the data that we were able to capture from the users that came by to see our project:



In our project we met with Anthony’s father. He is a UCSD professor on cognitive science, where he does research on deep learning using transformers. He suggested to us that we utilize transformers however this might be a bit too difficult to implement because it is a very advanced topic and would take a really long time to implement.


Others recommended that we improve our prediction model to make it more accurate, which we are already working on with a new implementation of our data and how it is formatted.

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  • Our presentation was pretty good, we explained the code well to the people that were interested and demonstrated the predictions working effectively.
  • Our integration was really good for being split between two periods, we had most of the features working well, we needed to fine tune some stuff but overall everything worked well.
  • People were impressed by the LSTM network and how it works, some asked us very in depth questions and we were able to answer them all.


  • I think we can make our page more appealing in order to bring in more visitors.
  • We can make the model more accurate and have a better looking output to make the data more accessible.
  • Our presentation can be set up on multiple computers for people to be able to login and test the site, without having to wait.

The Event

Computer Science

There were many interesting projects, such as the project aimed at educating others in cyber security. It had a very in depth database of information for potential exploits on different operating systems and programs as well as some quizzes for testing your knowledge.


There was also the mario game, which was interesting to see because the entire class was able to code this one game, each person contributing to the program in some way. The organization behind how the game was created was interesting to see and seeing the game work was interesting.


Outside of Computer Science

Outside of CS I saw the Digital Media Production projects. I did digital media production before and it is interesting seeing other students complete the same projects differently from how I did. I also saw the photography class which was also interesting to see how new photographers are beginning. I have done photography for 10 years and see some mistakes that they make in their composition or their lighting and it is interesting how some small details are missed by new photographers.

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Deployment Lesson

2015 FRQ Question 1