Home JQuery and CRUD Hacks

JQuery and CRUD Hacks


  • You really should try to answer the 5 questions below this without any help. These are core concepts that you should at least attempt to learn.
  • The update JQUERY function may require a little help but try without first
  • Hacks should only take 20 minutes at most

CRUD popcorn hack

talk about usage of one of four elements of CRUD from your project in tri 1. Focus on how CRUD was implemented.

  • We used the create to create users in the user database for our project, with data for the user’s graph data.

Free Response and MCQ

  1. What does CRUD stand for?
    • Create
    • Read
    • Update
    • Delete
  2. What are the HTTP verbs that are associated with each CRUD action?
    • C - POST
    • R - GET
    • U - PUT
  3. What is JQuery?

jQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library that simplifies DOM manipulation, event handling, and AJAX requests, providing a convenient and cross-browser-compatible way to enhance client-side scripting on web pages.

  1. Match A, B, and C into the JQuery event handler for a data table
    • A: ‘click’
    • B: ‘.delete-btn’
    • C: ‘#data-table’

    $(C).on(A, B, function() { // code });

  2. Why do we use JQUERY with CRUD?

It helps simplify the manipulation of DOM (html).

Finish the update JQUERY function

  • its all the way at the end, you should see the green comment
  • you can choose to use the two lines I’ve already given or not

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